Come & See!

When the Apostles first inquired about who Jesus Christ was, they were instructed to “come and see.” Christ could not be explained, only experienced. Orthodoxy is a continuation of the original Christian Church of the Apostles. Nativity of Christ (NOC) is a Greek Orthodox Christian Church located in Novato, California and is a Parish of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
Our members aspire to emulate the life of Jesus Christ by providing faith and love to one another in community.
We express our faith in God’s love through service to others, community, and support to those in need. Through authentic self-discovery and passionate engagement, we worship God in Trinity as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Our Parish is open to all ethnicities. Everyone is invited to Nativity of Christ’s worship services, traditions, and events because the Orthodox faith cannot be explained, only experienced. Come and see!