“For where two or three gather in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20
The Parish of the Nativity of Christ was formally organized and established in 1969. At first, the Parish worshipped in temporary facilities. In 1974, it found a semi-permanent home at St. Vincent’s Church and School for Boys in Marinwood. It remained there until the construction of our own church building in 1980.
Our present site in Novato was purchased in 1972 when plans for the building of a Church, educational and recreational facilities were begun. In 1992, the Fellowship Hall was completed. This provided the Parish with a multi-purpose facility that serves as a gymnasium with a regulation high school basketball court, volleyball court, a lecture hall, and a banquet facility for Parish dinners, receptions as well as our annual Marin Greek Festival.
NOC is blessed to build on the foundation laid by those who have come before us. We gather in community for our own spiritual salvation by practicing and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are privileged to share our time, talents, and treasure to actively support and further Christ’s teachings.